Research & Innovation






Research & Innovation


Why establish the FPMD division in PSE@SCU?

The demand for the functionalization of polymer materials has become increasingly important with the development of technologies in the era of AI. Material functionalization can create not only high values for final products, but also abundant opportunities for the structure-function regulation studies ranging from materials chemistry, physics, processing, and device design. It is therefore expected that Functional Polymeric Materials and Devices (FPMD) will play a crucial role in driving the entire technological revolution and economic development of our society.

What to expect for the FPMD studies in PSE@SCU?

The mission of the FPMD is to fully explore the potential of polymer materials for future functional materials and devices. This means that we will combine the traditional research strengths in polymer processing and high-performance polymers with the emerging demand on new functional polymer materials and devices, in order to lead this interdisciplinary research direction with strong vitality.

Specific research topics include: 1) The design principles and advanced processing technologies for FPMD; 2) FPMD for advanced electrochemical energy storage; 3) FPMD for advanced thermal management; 4) FPMD for green energy systems such as solar energy and hydrogen energy; 5) FPMD for high-performance sensing.

Who is working on the FPMD in PSE@SCU?


Research Interests