Dr.Di Han,aresearch associate professor, commencedhisresearch at Sichuan Universityin 2019. He obtained a dual bachelor's degree in Polymer Materials and Engineering, as well as Management from Sichuan University in 2014, and completed his Ph.D. in Materials Science at Sichuan University in 2019under thesupervision ofProf.Qiang Fu. Hisresearchinterests primarilyfocus on the silicone-related functionalpolymer composite materials,encompassingthe controlledsynthesisof novel polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS), siliconeresin andtheirderived organic-inorganic hybrid materials,dielectrics, multifunctional coatingsand glass-like plastics.Currently, he has published over 30 papers in esteemed journals within the fields of chemical and materials science such as Nat. Commun.,ACS Cent.Sci., Adv.Funct.Mater., Chem.Mater., and Macromolecules.Additionally, he has hosted 9 projects includingthe National Natural Science Foundation of China,the Sichuan Science and Technology Program, and enterprise technology development projects.Heserves as ajoint youngeditor of the Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, Acta Polymerica Sinica, and Chinese Polymer Bulletin.
Research Interests:
Representative Publications:
(1) XiongLin;Chen-YuLi;Lu-XuanLiang;Qing-YunGuo;YongzhengZhang;Si-RuiFu;QinZhang;FengChen;Di Han*; Qiang Fu*;Organic–inorganic covalent–ionic network enabled all–in–one multifunctional coating for flexible displays,Nature Communications, 2024, 15(1),9680.
(2) Dai-Lin Zhou; Jiang-Hui Li; Qing-Yun Guo; Xiong Lin; Qin Zhang; Feng Chen;Di Han*; Qiang Fu*; Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Based Ultralow-kMaterials: The Effect of Cage Size,Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31, 2102074.
(3) Yu Shao#;Di Han#; Yangdan Tao; Fengfeng Feng; Ge Han; Bo Hou; Hao Liu; Shuguang Yang; Qiang Fu*; Wen-Bin Zhang*; Leveraging Macromolecular Isomerism for Phase Complexity in Janus Nanograins,ACS Central Science, 2023, 9(2), 289.
(4) Xiong Lin; Ming-Xi Nie; Han Liu; Dai-Lin Zhou; Si-Rui Fu; Qin Zhang;Di Han*; Qiang Fu*; Topology-Enabled Simultaneous Enhancement of Mechanical and Healable Properties in Glassy Polymeric Materials Using Larger POSS,Chemistry of Materials, 2023, 36(1),575.
(5) Xiong Lin; Yi-Yi Deng; Qin Zhang;Di Han*; Qiang Fu*; Effect of POSS Size on the Porosity and Adsorption Performance of Hybrid Porous Polymers,Macromolecules, 2023, 56(3), 1243.