Tian Ma received her Bachelor’s degree from Henan Normal University, Master’s degree from Shanghai University, and Ph.D. degree from Jacobs University Bremen. She has joined Sichuan University since 2019 and works as research associate professor at the College of Polymer Science and Engineering. Currently as first author or corresponding author published 26 peer-reviewed works in international journals such as Advanced Materials (3)、Advanced Functional Materials (2)、ACS Nano、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Materials Horizons、Advanced Science、Small (4)、Inorganic Chemistry (3) and as co-author published total of 65 international works, most of them in the top 25% of indexed journals. Published 2 international patents, 10 Chinese patents, and gave several talks on international conferences.
Research Interests
The design and fabrication of advanced catalytic materials by utilizing functionalized polyoxometalates, metal–organic frameworks, and covalent-organic frameworks for applications in electrocatalysts, biocatalysts, and energy fields; especially their atom engineering, micro-/nano structural design, and cutting-edge applications.
Representative Publications
1. T. Ma;# H. Cao;# S. Li; S. Cao; Z. Zhao; Z. Wu; R. Yan; C. Yang; Y. Wang;* P. A. van Aken; L. Qiu;* Y. Wang;* C. Cheng;* Crystalline lattice-confined Pt single atoms in metal carbides to match electronic structures and hydrogen evolution behaviors of platinum, Advanced Materials, 2022, 34, 2206368. (highly cited papers)
2. T. Ma;# R. Yan;# X. Wu; M. Wang; B. Yin; S. Li;* C. Cheng;* A. Thomas, Polyoxometalate-Structured Materials: Molecular Fundamentals and Electrocatalytic Roles in Energy Conversion, Advanced Materials, 2024, 36, 2310283.
3. R. Yan#; T. Ma#; M. Cheng; X. Tao; Z. Yang; F. Ran; S. Li*; B. Yin; C. Cheng*; W. Yang*; Metal-Organic Framework-derived Nanostructures as Multifaceted Electrodes in Metal-Sulfur Batteries, Advanced Materials, 2021, 33, 2008784.
4. X, Wu#; Z, Xing#; H. Huang; Z. Ding; Y. Gao; M. Adeli; L. Ma; T. Ma*; C. Cheng*; C. Zhao*; Bacteriophage-like Nanobiocatalysts with Spiky Topography and Dual-Atom Sites for Treating Drug-Resistant Bacteria. ACS Nano, 2024, accepted.
5. N. Lv; Q. Li; H.g Zhu; S. Mu; X. Luo; X. Liu; S. Li; C. Cheng; T. Ma;* Electrocatalytic Porphyrin/Phthalocyanine-based Organic Frameworks: Building Blocks, Coordination Microenvironments, Structure-Performance Relationships, Advanced Science, 2023, 10(7), 2206239. (highly cited papers)
1. Advanced Research Individual of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, 2022
2. The Second Prize of 3th Sichuan-Chongqing Science and Technology Academic Conference Excellent Paper, 2022
3. The Chinese Government Scholarship, 2015