Research & Innovation

Research & Innovation

Xueqin GAO, Ph.D.

Title: Associate Professor


Website: 高雪芹-四川大学高分子科学与工程学院 (

Xue-Qin Gao, received her B.S. from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sichuan University in 1999. In 2005, She obtained her Ph.D. degree from the Department of Polymer processing engineering, Sichuan University. And then, worked as lecturer at Sichuan University. During 2010-2011, she worked as a visiting researcher at North Dakota State University. She has presided over and participated in a lot of research work of the projects about polymer processing, authored more than 60 papers in international journals and more than 10 national authorized patents. She is currently an associate professor at Sichuan University.

Research Interests

Preparation of Polymeric Materials with High Properties, Polymeric Materials Functionalization, Nanocomposites, Additive Manufacturing, CAD/CAE of Polymer Processing.

Representative Publications

(1) Junwen Zhang, Peng Li, Yanjiang Li, Mengna Luo, Zheng Yan, Tao Wang, Qiang Fu, Xueqin Gao*, Jie Zhang*. Preparation of PLA/PBAT blends with high performance via the synergistic effect of high mold temperature and strong shear field. Polymer. 296 (2024) 126795

(2) Bin Chen, Jiawei Gong, Wei Huang, Ning Gao, Cong Deng, XueqinGao*, Constructing a parallel aligned shish kebab structure of HDPE/BN composites: Toward improved two-way thermal conductivity and tensile strength, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2023, 259, 110699  

(3) Ying Zhang, Xuesong Zhang, Minghao Yang, Yongchao Li, Qi Yang, Jiawei Gong, Xueqin Gao*. Experimental validation of two constitutive models for numerical simulation on the extrusion of rubber blends. Polym Eng Sci. 2023, 1–14.  

(4) Ying Zhang, Zexiang Xie, Gan-ji Zhong, Jun Lei, Xueqin Gao,* and Long Jiang*. Effect of Cellulose Nanocrystals and Hot Stretching on Shish−Kebab Structures of High-Density Polyethylene. Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.2023,62, 15018−15028  

(5) Bin Chen, Jiawei Gong, Wei Huang, Ying Zhang, Yijie Ma, Junjie Li, Cong Deng, Ganji Zhong, Xueqin Gao*. Design of a ternary synergistic network of HDPE/BN/CNT composites with an aligned shish-kebab structure for enhanced thermal conductivity and tensile strength. Chemical Engineering Journal 473 (2023) 145327  

(6) Weichen Zhou , Zexiang Xie, Ning Gao , Ganji Zhong , Cong Deng, Xueqin Gao*. Regulating crystalline morphology jointly by dynamic shearing and solid phase stretching endows polyethylene high modulus, strength and heat-resistance. Polymer 283 (2023) 126219  

(7) Junjie Li, Junjun Wu, Zexiang Xie, Ganji Zhong, Xueqin Gao*, Long Jiang*. The effects of cellulose nanocrystal and dicumyl peroxide on the crystallization kinetics of polylactic acid. Polym Eng Sci. 2023;63:3231–3242.  

(8) Jiahao Li, Le Wan, Cong Deng*, and Xueqin Gao*. High-Temperature Stability of Natural Rubber Composites at High Temperatures in Short Time Ranges and Its Effect on Mechanical Properties. Journal of Macromolecular Science, PART B 2022, 61, 10–11, 1395–1410  

(9) Jiahao Li, Bin Chen, Hao Yang, Kaizhi Shen, Cong Deng, Xueqin Gao*. Enhanced effect of thermal expansion process in rotational shear technology for high performance HDPE pipes, Polymer, 2022, 249,124796  

(10) Junjun Wu, Ning Gao, Long Jiang, Ganji Zhong, Cong Deng, Xueqin Gao*. The coupling effect of Cellulose nanocrystal and strong shear field achieved the strength and toughness balance of Polylactide, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 207927-940  

(11) Wei Huang, Yuxuan Zhang, Bin Chen, Hao Yang, Kaizhi Shen, Xueqin Gao*, Qiang Fu. The effect of annealing time on morphology, mechanical properties, and thermal conductivity of HDPE pipes produced by rotational shearMaterials Today Communications2022, 31,103321  

(12) Dechao Kong, Minghao Yang, Xuesong Zhang, Zuchen Du, Qiang Fu, Xueqin Gao*, JiaweiGong*. Control of Polymer Properties by Entanglement: A Review. Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2021, 30612):2100536.    

(13) Junjun Wu, Zexiang Xie, Hao Yang, Minghao Yang, Kaizhi Shen, Qiang Fu, Xueqin Gao*, Effect of Mandrel Rotation Speed on Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Pipes Produced by Rotational Shear, Journal of Polymer Research2021,2825  

(14) Weichen Zhou, Zuchen Du, Xueqin Gao*, Qiang Fu*. Effect of Different Shear Modes on Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Pipes Produced by Rotational Shear. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science.2020,38,1392-1402  

(15) Bin Chen, Hao Yang, Kaizhi Shen, Qiang Fu, Xueqin Gao*. The Effect of High-temperature Annealing on Heat Properties and Morphology of Polyethylene Pipes Prepared by Rotational Shear. Polymer. 2020204, 122770    

(16) Guoqi Ma , Hao Yang , Lei Li , Zhaobo Sun , Xiaran Miao, Fenggang Bian, Jiazhuang Xu, Ganji Zhong*, Xueqin Gao*, Zhongming Li. Structure of polyamide 6/poly(ethylene terephthalate) blends under high cooling rate and shear stress and their moisture-sensitive properties. Polymer, 2020203, 122817

(17) Zexiang Xie, Ning Gao, Hao Yang, Zuchen Du, KaizhiShen, Qiang Fu and Xueqin Gao*. The Role of Melt Plasticizing Temperature on Morphology and Properties of PE100 Pipes Prepared by Rotational Shear System. ACS Omega. 2020, 5, 12660−12671  

(18) Zuchen Du, Hao Yang, Xiehuai Luo, Zexiang Xie, Qiang Fu and Xueqin Gao*. The Role of Mold temperature on Morphology and Mechanical Properties of PE pipe Produced by Rotational Shear[J]. Chinese J. Polym. Sci. doi: 10.1007/s10118-020-2363-4   Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2020, 38, 653–664  

(19) Hao Yang, Xiehuai Luo, Kaizhi Shen, Yi Yuan, Qiang Fu, Xueqin Gao*, Long Jiang*. The role of mandrel rotation speed on morphology and mechanical properties of polyethylene pipes produced by rotational shear. Polymer, 2019,184(5):121915  

(20) Xiehuai LuoYuxi PanYongchao LiXueqin Gao*Jun LeiZhongming LiKaizhi Shen. Effect of oscillatory shear field on the morphology and mechanical properties of β‐nucleated isotactic polypropylene. Polymer Engineering & Science, 2017,57(8):838-845

(21) Yuxi Pan, Xueqin Gao,* Jun Lei, ZhongMing Li and KaiZhi ShenEffect of different morphologies on the creep behavior of high-density polyethyleneRSC Advances, 2016, 63470–3479

(22) Yuxi Pan, Xueqin Gao*, Zhongwu Wang, Jun Lei, Zhong-Ming Li, Kaizhi Shen  Effect of different morphologies on slow crack growth of high-density polyethyleneRSC Advances, 2015, 5(36): 28191-28202

(23) Fangzhen AnXueqin Gao *Jun Lei*Cong DengZhongming LiKaizhi ShenVibration assisted extrusion of polypropyleneChinese J Polym Sci201533688-696  

(24) Fangzhen An, Zhongwu Wang, Juan Hu, Xueqin Gao,* Kaizhi Shen, Cong Deng. Morphology Control Technologies of Polymeric Materials During Processing. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2014, 299: 400–423

(25) Zhongwu Wang, Juan Hu, Fangzheng An, Jiawei Gong, Xueqin Gao*, Cong Deng, Kaizhi Shen.  Vibration-dependent morphology and crystal structure of Isotactic Polypropylene, Journal of Materials Science,2013 48(20): 6986-6993

(26) Xueqin Gao, Cong Deng, Chao Ren, Jie Zhang, Zhongming Li, Kaizhi Shen*. Mechanical Properties and Morphology of Polypropylene- Calcium Carbonate Nanocomposites Prepared by Dynamic Packing Injection Molding. Journal of Applied Polymer Science124(2):1392-13972012

(27) Juan Hu, Zhongwu Wang, Shanming Yan, Xueqin Gao*, Cong Deng. Jie Zhang, and Kaizhi Shen. The Morphology and Tensile Strength of High Density Polyethylene/Nano-Calcium Carbonate Composites Prepared by Dynamic Packing Injection Molding, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2012, 51:1-6

(28) Xueqin Gao; Cong Deng; Jing Xu; Zhongming Li; Jie Zhang; Kaizhi Shen*.  Effect of melt vibration on structure and mechanical properties of HDPE/nano-CaCO3 blend. Polymer Bulletin. 65:59-68, 2010

(29) Xueqin Gao, Jing Xu, Zhanchun Chen, Cong Deng, Kaizhi Shen*. Improved mechanical properties and structure of PP/nano-CaCO3 blends prepared by low-frequency vibration injection molding. Polymer International. 57(1),23-27, 2008

(30) Xueqin Gao, Jie Zhang, Changsen Chen, Kaizhi Shen*. Effect of vibration extrusion on high-density polyethylene, Journal of Applied Polymer Science106(1),552-557, 2007


1. “Advanced Individual of Women” in Sichuan University in 2014-2018

2. Won the honorary title of "Excellent Teacher" in Sichuan University in 2017-2018

3. "Advanced Individual in Teaching Management" in 2019

4. "Excellent Instructor of College Students' Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Practical Education" of Sichuan University in 2020

5. The second prize of Excellent Undergraduate Thesis of Sichuan University in 2021

6. The second prize of the 8th Jiang Weiping Excellent Teaching Award of Sichuan University in 2022

7. Excellent Undergraduate Teaching Quality Award of Sichuan University in 2022