Research & Innovation

Research & Innovation

Yiwen LI, Ph.D.

Title: Professor




Yiwen Li received his B.S. in chemistry from the University of Science and Technology of China (2008,advisor: Prof. Tongwen Xu) and Ph.D. in polymer science from the University of Akron (2013,advisor: Prof. Stephen Cheng). After two years' postdoctoral training at UC, San Diego, he began his independent career at Sichuan University in 2016, where he is currently a full professor andassociate dean.Dr. Li have published200+ peer-reviewed articles on international journals, with more than 13000+ citations. Yiwen was listed by MIT Technology Review as one of the top innovators under the age of 35 (TR35), and was the recipient of The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars from NSFC, Polymer Young Investigator Award from CCS and Feng Xinde Polymer Prize from Elsevier. He served asan associate Editor for Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, andeditorial board members for Fundamental Research, RSC Applied Polymers, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Giant, Chinese Chemical Letters, and others. His current research interests focus on bioinspired polymers including synthetic melanin and polyphenolic materials.

Research Interests

1.Bioinspired polymers such as syntheticmelanins.

2.Functional sustainable polymers such as polyphenolic materials.


1.ExcellentMetamaterialYoung Investigator Award, C-MRS, 2024

2.TCL Fellowship,TCLTechnology, 2024

3.Emerging Investigator, Polymer Chemistry (RSC), 2023

4.16thFengXindePolymerPrize,Elsevier, 2022

5.The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, NSFC, 2022

6.Top Innovators Under the Age of 35 (TR35), MIT Technology Review, 2021

7.PolymerYoung Investigator Award, CCS, 2021

8.Emerging Investigator,BiomaterialScience(RSC), 2021

9.Emerging Investigator, Journal of Materials Chemistry B (RSC), 2020

10.1000Plan ProgramforYoung Talents,NSFC, 2016

Academic Service

1.Member ofCouncil,TheChinese Association of Young Scientists And Technologists, 2021-Now.

2.CommitteeMember, Division of Polymer Chemistry, CCS, 2022-Now.

3.CommitteeMember, Division of Applied Chemistry, CCS, 2022-Now.

4.Associate Editor,Chinese Journal of Polymer Science(Springer), 2024-Now

5.Editorial BoardMember,FundamentalResearch(Elsevier), 2024-Now.

6.Editorial BoardMember,RSC Applied Polymers(RSC), 2024-Now.

7.Editorial BoardMember,Macromolecular Rapid Communications(Wiley-VCH), 2020-Now.

8.Executive Editorial BoardMember,Giant(Elsevier), 2020-Now.

9.AdvisoryBoard Member,Chinese Chemical Letters(Elsevier), 2016-Now.

10.Editorial BoardMember,Chemical Research in Chinese Universities(MOE), 2019-Now.