2010年获四川大学高分子科学与工程学院学士学位。2016年获四川大学高分子科学与工程学院工学博士学位。2016年6月赴美国国家标准技术研究院NIST从事博士后研究,2017 年获美国联邦政府最佳访问学者奖,2019年12月作为四川大学引进人才加入由李光宪教授所领导的“高分子材料高性能化及服役可靠性团队”。四川省青年人才,入选高分子材料工程国家重点实验室(四川大学)优秀青年人才项目。
主要从事高分子材料高性能化及其服役寿命预测和调控研究。面向国家战略新兴科技和产业领域中的高分子材料及器件(新能源、航空航天、电子信息等),围绕涂层、胶粘剂、光伏器件等国家重大需求领域材料的长期服役稳定性、老化失效分子机理和寿命预测及调控开展实验和多尺度计算机模拟及应用研究工作。负责国家自然科学基金青年项目、校企合作项目(中国商飞、华为等)等,作为主要骨干参与多项国家基金委重大/重点项目、校企旗舰合作项目、GF以及省部级项目等。在高分子材料老化及服役稳定性领域国际知名期刊发表论文60余篇,一作/通讯20余篇(Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_TaZCegAAAAJ&hl=en)。授权/申请发明专利10余项。主讲本科生课程《专业外语》,参与建设四川大学通识教育核心课程《匠心物华:高分子的前世今生》。
1)Lv YD, Fan DQ, Kong MQ, Reliability assessment on PV backsheets with and without considering spectral UV albedo effects: A theoretical comparison.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2021, 230, 111230;
2)Lyu YD, Fairbrother A, Gong MY, Kim JH, Hauser A, O’Brien G, Gu XH, Drivers for the cracking of multilayer polyamide-based backsheets in field photovoltaic modules: In-depth degradation mapping analysis.Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications,2020, 28:704-716;
3)Lyu YD, Fairbrother A, Kim JH, Gong MY, Sung LP, Watson SS, Gu XH, Fluorescence imaging analysis of depth-dependent degradation in photovoltaic laminates: insights to the failure.Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 2020, 28:122-134;
4)Lyu YD, Fairbrother A, Gong MY, Kim JH, Gu XH, Kempe M, Julien S, Wan KT, Napoli S, Hauser A, O’Brien G, Wang Y, French R, Bruckman L, Ji L, Boyce K, Impact of environmental variables on the degradation of photovoltaic components and perspectives for the reliability assessment methodology.Solar Energy, 2020, 199:425-436;
5)Lyu YD, Kim JH, Gu XH, Developing methodology for service life prediction of PV materials: Quantitative effects of light intensity and wavelength on discoloration of a glass/EVA/PPE laminate.Solar Energy, 2018, 174: 515-526;
6)Lyu YD, Kim JH, Fairbrother A, Gu XH, Degradation and cracking behavior of polyamide-based backsheet subjected to sequential fragmentation test.IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 2018, 8(6): 1748-1753.
7)Lv YD, Huang YJ, Kong MQ, Yang JL, Yang Q, Li GX, Creep lifetime prediction of polypropylene/clay nanocomposites based on a critical failure strain criterion.Composites Science and Technology, 2014, 96: 71-79.
8)Lv YD, Huang YJ, Yang JL, Kong MQ, Yang H, Zhao JC, Li GX, Outdoor and accelerated laboratory weathering of polypropylene: A comparison and correlation study.Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2015, 112: 145-159;
9)Lv YD, Huang YJ, Kong MQ, Yang Q, Li GX, Multivariate correlation analysis of outdoor weathering behavior of polypropylene under diverse climate scenarios.Polymer Testing, 2017,64: 65-76;
10)Xu WQ,Lv YD, Kong MQ, Huang YJ, Yang Q, Li GX, In-situ polymerization of eco-friendly waterborne polyurethane/polydopamine-coated graphene oxide composites towards enhanced mechanical properties and UV resistance.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 373: 133942;
11)Fan DQ, Chen JX, Kong MQ,Lv YD, Huang YJ, Li GX, Valorization of enzymatic hydrolysis lignin for the multifunctional stabilization of polypropylene.Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 187: 115443.
12)Xia L, Chen JX, Fan DQ, Kong MQ,Lv YD,Huang YJ, Li GX, Paradox effects of flake carbonyl iron on the photodegradation behaviors of epoxy-based wave-absorbing coatings: Photo-catalytic and UV blocking.Progress in Organic Coatings, 2022, 163: 106642;
13)Lyu YD, Gu XH, Mao YM, Green Composite of Instant Coffee and Poly(vinyl alcohol): An Excellent Transparent UV-Shielding Material with Superior Thermal-Oxidative Stability.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2020, 59, 8640-8648;
14)Wang HC, Feng P,Lv YD, Geng ZF, Liu Q, Liu X, A comparative study on UV degradation of organic coatings for concrete: Structure, adhesion, and protection performance.Progress in Organic Coatings, 2020, 149: 105892;