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Professor Yiu-Wing Mai Visited Sichuan University


Invited by the College of Polymer Science and Engineering, Prof. Yiu-Wing Mai, Dean of the Center of Advanced Materials Technology and Engineering, Syney University, Australia, together with Prof. Robert Li from Hongkong City University, Hongkong and Dr. Janet Wong from Imperial College University, England, visited Sichuan University between June 24th and 26th.
  In the morning of June 25th, Prof. Yiu-Wing Mai gave a presentation on the topic of “Ethical Issues in Research Publications”. In his presentation, Prof. Yiu-Wing Mai talked about “how to do research work”, “how to write academic papers and how to comply with academic ethics”. Besides, he also introduced his research experience and answered questions from the audience. Prof. Yang Mingbo, Dean of College of Polymer Science and Engineering chaired the meeting. About 300 students and faculties from the College of Polymer Science and Engineering and other colleges attended the meeting.


